Case Studies

case studies

Avoiding Additional Financing…

This extremely seasonal domestic consumer products company typically shipped and invoiced 5 times more product during the spring than other seasons. Due to capacity limitations, manufacturing…

case studies

Increasing Throughput

Leading company in the manufacture of picture frames needed to increase from 11 production lines to 13 to satisfy customer demand.

case studies

Negotiating Terms During Cash…

Major national company had chronic waste issue within one of their key processes. This waste was measured, but not visible due to high standards of housekeeping…

case studies

Regaining Negotiating Strength…

Leading company in the manufacture of coolers had become sole sourced with proprietary formula of 2 part polyurethane insulation with blowing agent. This relationship extended over 20 years…

case studies

Reverse Engineering Buckles

Several buckles were available to the company. However, extensive testing was required to ensure that in this industry, there would be no failures due to extremely high product liability costs. Secondly…

case studies

Waste Reduction

This power tool manufacturer and distributor operated with a regional distribution center strategy. Full stocking of all products was maintained at the regional distribution centers.